Insomnia Therapy

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Better Quality Sleep = A Better Life

Are you finding yourself tossing and turning during the night? Having difficulties falling or staying asleep at night? You find yourself lying in bed at night stressing about falling asleep, which makes it even that much harder to fall asleep?

If you struggle with falling asleep or staying asleep, you know the feeling of anxiously watching the clock as you worry about not being able to fall asleep; waking up sleep-deprived finding it difficult to function throughout your day.

Is it eating away at your productivity at work or school? Is sleep deprivation making you feel like shutting yourself off from the world? It is a vicious cycle, I tell you!

There’s nothing normal or ordinary about insomnia. This life-destroying sleep disorder may not always have a direct, explainable rationale behind it, but the adverse effects that can impact your health and quality of life are as plain as day.

Can you relate to any of these consequences of your poor sleep:

  • Fatigue | malaise.

  • Lacking attention, concentration, or memory impairment.

  • Social | vocational dysfunction or poor school performance.

  • Mood disturbance | irritability.

  • Daytime sleepiness.

  • Motivation | energy | initiative reduction.

  • Proneness to errors | accidents at work or while driving.

  • Physical symptoms such as tension headaches and gastrointestinal symptoms

  • Concerns or worries about sleep.

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Poor sleep and insomnia are a treatable condition that responds well to the kind of treatment I offer. CBT-I is an evidence-based treatment. A large and consistent body of literature provides strong empirical support for the efficacy of CBT-I. The weight of evidence supporting CBT-I treatment has led to its recognition as a first-line treatment for insomnia in a National Institutes of Health Consensus Statement (2005).

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT-I) FAQs

What is insomnia?

  1. Difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep sleeping (nighttime symptoms).

  2. Difficulty functioning associated with distress and/or perceived negative impact on daytime functions and mood (daytime symptoms).

  3. Insomnia disorder is a 24-hour disorder.

What is CBT-I:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) is a brief and effective sleep-focused treatment that is anchored in the science of sleep and utilizes principles of general cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to address both nocturnal and daytime symptoms of insomnia disorder.

How does CBT-I work?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia is a brief, solution-focused model customized to meet each person’s specific sleep needs and goals. 

Each component of CBT-I has its distinct theory, logic, delivery, and protocol. Not everyone will need each component, as it is uniquely individualized for that person’s specific needs. Each component is systematically integrated to produce specific sleep outcomes.

Each session has a particular focus and desired treatment outcome. We will be re-building your innate sleep drive and re-align your body’s natural circadian rhythms. You will be actively engaged in learning and implementing new sleep-promoting skills, sleep habits, behaviors, and ways of thinking to break the cycle of poor sleep.

General Structure of treatment

CBT-I is a brief therapy, estimating between 6-8 sessions, depending on your presenting sleep issues' severity and complexity. We will develop a treatment plan that is targeted to meet your specific sleep needs and goals. I integrate other forms of treatment, depending on your situation and needs. I take a holistic approach, so I will look at other areas of your life that may impact or exacerbate your sleep issues.

Benefits of Treatment

  • Instead of tossing and turning for hours before falling asleep, we will work together so you fall asleep within 30 minutes. 

  • If you wake up many times during the night, you may wake up a few times, but we will get you falling back asleep quickly and easily.  

  • If you spend a lot of time thinking and worrying in bed, I will teach skills and provide tools using cognitive behavioral therapy and other forms of treatment that work for you to manage those thoughts outside of the bed.

  • Wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day.

If you have any questions or would like to set up a consultation, please do not hesitate to send me an email.