Integrating Christian Faith

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Is your faith important to you? Does your faith play a central role in your life? If Yes, I can help.

I provide faith integration for those who are interested in integrating their faith. When requested, I combine Biblical principles, faith-based guidance, and psychological techniques of your presenting problems to find lasting solutions. With God's grace, I hope to help you find comfort and healing in Jesus in the midst of your pain. 

As a Christian therapist, I believe:

  • God can heal and redeem every pain we have endured.

  • Knowing Jesus and becoming like him is the key to spiritual healing, leading to emotional, psychological, relational, and physical healing.

  • The Bible reveals truth and wisdom that will lead us to joy, purpose, and life.

  • God can heal and redeem every wound we endure, no matter how broken we may feel.

  • There is hope to be found in Jesus Christ, even when all hope seems to be lost.

  • With a commitment to applying biblical principles and effective counseling techniques, hurting individuals can experience lasting peace and fulfillment in their lives.

Psychology and the science of human behavior provide sufficient descriptors and methods of change.

However, only faith answers questions like:

  • How am I still valuable despite so many people and experiences that say I’m not?

  • What is my purpose?

  • Why is a life worth living despite the terrible pain in this life? 

As a Christian, I believe that those are answers found through Jesus. Inviting Jesus into the healing process enables acceptance and change beyond what the therapist or client can do on their own and gives “peace beyond understanding.” If you are a Christian, you may be looking for a therapist who is both a follower of Jesus and has training in evidence-based practices. You may also want someone who gives you a safe space to wrestle through questions of faith. 

I find it a privilege to seek God together with my clients through Scripture, prayer, spiritual disciplines, and psychology. I’m especially interested in combining my clinical practices with Biblical practices that the Holy Spirit can use to grow your relationship with God and transform you into who he has called you to be. 

I am always amazed to see God bring comfort, visions, and healing to clients. God never promises that life will be easy, but he does promise to give us Himself. Jesus says, “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world.” 

God has given me so much and provided me with the strength I needed to get through my pain, and I want to give back. This is my way of loving others as God loves me. He has given me gifts of compassion, discernment, encouragement, and a way of relating and understanding people. By God's grace, I hope to comfort others as He has comforted me.

I look forward to getting to know you. Feel free to reach out for a free 30- consultation to determine together if we are a good fit. You can call, text, or email me at (805) 616-1450 / GET IN TOUCH!

Often times, God demonstrates His faithfulness in adversity by providing for us what we need to survive. He does not change our painful circumstances. He sustains us through them.
— Charles Stanley